Mulce : corpus en ligne

L'accès aux corpus Mulce est maintenant possible à travers la plate-forme située à l'adresse

Pour visionner, parcourir, télécharger nos corpus, il faut au préalable se créer un compte (gratuit) et accepter la licence d'utilisation.
Certains dysfonctionnements système sont encore possibles (pb de mises à jour entre Java et Mysql), alors, si cela arrive, soyez patient, réessayez et revenez éventuellement le lendemain. Désolé pour ces inconvénients passagers que nous essayons de résoudre.

Enfin, un site d'explication sur notre méthodologie de travail et de présentation des contenus de nos corpus est en cours d'élaboration à l'adresse


Bonnes découvertes !

Alsic participe au projet européen "language learning and social media"

Thématique générale

A unique mix of activities exploring the relationship of language learning and social media in the web 2.0 era: Participatory debates, award-winning competitions, policy recommendations and reports, scientific publications and field studies.

By placing “language learning and social media” at the core of the network, the 14 partner institutions of national, European and international reach will examine 6 key dimensions of this combination. These fundamental dimensions are:

1. Language learning, social media and social inclusion
2. Language learning, social media and development of language resources
3. Language learning and teaching through social media in new EU countries: the case of Romania, Latvia and Poland
4. Language learning, social media and multilingualism
5. Language learning through social media: evolution of teaching practices
6. Language learning and teaching in formal and non formal contexts through ICT

Each dimension (or key dialogue) is enriched by analysis and exploitation of data related to the topic. Reports, comparative studies, special issues of online journals, field analysis and open competitions complete the range of network outcomes.

Prochain événement (28 avril 2010)
Rethinking social inclusion through Web 2.0. What’s in hold for the future of language education?

28.04.2010, Turku (Finland) and broadcasted live via videoconferencing (link available soon)
Invited speakers: Prof. Gráinne Conole (The Open University, UK) and Prof. Ruth Hillman (Åbo Akademi, Finland).
Moderators: Prof. Fred Dervin and Prof. Eija Suomela-Salmi.
In the framework of Key dialogue 1 - Language learning, social media and social inclusion.

Dissemination and comparison of research findings: developing Contextualized Learning and Teaching Corpora (LETEC)

Eurocall 2010 Workshop,
mercredi 8 septembre 2010, Bordeaux

Organized by the Mulce team project. Workshop coordinators
Maud CIEKANSKI (University of Paris 8), Marie-Laure BETBEDER (University of Franche-Comté)

Presentation format

The workshop is mainly targeted at CALL community practitioners and researchers, but more widely at the CEHL (Computing Environment for Human Learning) community. Speakers will focus on operational aspects of their research. They will prepare an extract from their interaction corpus (language or other online learning situations), in the format of their own analysis tool. Speakers will enable the audience to test their tool with the given corpus extract after the workshop. Therefore, speakers will fill out a short form describing the corpus and the analysis tool  : the pedagogical context, a short description of the corpus extract, of the format used by the tool, a short description of the downloadable tool (together with a download link and access code), and a description of the research questions associated to the tool. The form data will then be published in the workshop proceedings.

Proposed agenda
  • 9h00-9h45 : Welcome to participants
  • 9h45- 10h00 : Workshop agenda presentation (two perspectives : CSCL and CALL)
  • 10h00-10h30: Structures for corpora in CSCL: new challenges?  (Alejandra Martines-Mones, University of Valladolid, Spain)
  • 10h30-11h00: Benefits of structuring learning and teaching corpora for the understanding of online learning and online interactions (C. Reffay, ENS Cachan)
  • Coffee Break
  • 11h15-11h45: Analysis Tool presentation I- Corpus exchange and interoperability : The Calico project (E. Bruillard, University of Caen and Alain Mille, University of Lyon1)
  • 11h45-12h15: Analysis Tool presentation II- the Tatiana project (K. Lund, University of Lyon2)
  • 12h15-12h30: Feedback, questions, discussion on structure, instrumentation, collaboration and sharing  in CSCL
  • 12h30: Lunch

  • 14h00-14h45: Corpus-based research in CALL: what are we looking for? (M.N Lamy, Open University)
  • 14h45-15h15 : (Kurt Kohn, Université de Tubiegen, Allemagne)
  • Coffee Break
  • 15h45-16h15 : Use of corpora  in research- Tools and questioning interface on heterogeneous data (Mulce project)
  • 16h15-16h45 : Use of corpora in teaching- Applications of research on Computer Learner Corpora in CALL (S. Granger, Catholic University of Leuven)
  • 16h45-17h45: Round-table conference and open discussion on the potentialities of Disseminating and comparing research findings: E. Bruillard (University of Caen), T. Chanier (University of Clermont-Ferrand), M-N. Lamy (Open University), R. O’Dowd (University of Leon), C. Tschichold (University of Wales Swansea), A. Boulton (University of Nancy2).
  • 17h45 : End of the workshop

Whilst it is becoming increasingly easy to save traces of interaction in online educational exchanges, there is at the same time a growing interest within the research community for the construction of data sets allowing for the study of the learning processes themselves. However, such data sets are rarely structured into corpora, and comparing or re-analysing them is difficult. The workshop is a concrete step towards plugging this gap. For closer collaboration within and between our communities, we propose to share structured data collections. The Mulce project aims at specifying a structure for Teaching and Learning Corpora (including pedagogical and research contexts), paying particular attention to the logging and analysis of ‘traces’ of interaction. Two main corpora (asynchronous data and synchronous data) have been built according to this structure.
The workshop proposes a dialogue in two phases (morning and afternoon) on sharing corpora and tools to improve interaction analysis from different fields (CSCL, CALL, and CEHL). The morning programme focuses on the CSCL and CEHL perspectives whereas the afternoon programme focuses on CALL perspectives and on spoken corpora researches.
Part of the workshop defines the notion of a ‘Teaching and Learning Corpus’, shows its main structure and browses some parts of the structured interaction data as developed as part of the Mulce project. Several of the activities will use analysis tools (Calico, Tatiana), standards (TEI, XML), data annotation (multimodal interaction, spoken interaction) and corpora (Mulce platform to browse and analyze a shared corpus; Computer Learner Corpora).

Registration and info

On Mulce-doc website


EUROCALL Conference 2010
8-11 September 2010, Bordeaux, France

Avec le soutien de l'association ADALSIC  et de la revue Alsic

Update of 29th January 2010
Please note that abstracts for EUROCALL 2010 must be submitted via the online submission system at :

Note : Les soumissions en langue française (comme en d'autres langues) sont les bienvenues.

submission deadline for abstracts in now February 15th 2010

Call for papers
EUROCALL is a professional organization which aims to promote innovative research, development and practice in the area of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) in education and training. EUROCALL conferences bring together educators, researchers, administrators, designers of software and language learning systems, government representatives, equipment and software suppliers and other professionals involved in CALL and TELL.
EUROCALL 2010 particularly welcomes proposals concerning new trends associated with technologies that aim to incorporate networked structures and virtual communities in language learning. Proposals focusing on topics related to this area of research, development and practice will also be considered, especially those dealing with innovative uses of established or new technologies.
English and French will be the working languages. Authors will be requested to provide a version of their abstract in English after acceptance has been notified.

  • Learner communities, the web and corpora
  • Distance learning, collaborative learning and mobile learning
  • Managing multimedia environments
  • Assessment, feedback and guidance in schools and universities
  • Corpora: compilating, sorting and studying corpora that integrate
    online communication
  • Intercultural competence and language learning
  • Online multimodal communication and language learning
  • Research methodologies and action research
  • Virtual worlds
  • Formal and informal language learning
  • Networked language learning in in adult education
  • Building international/regional partnerships for networked
    language learning
  • New language learning communities
  • Pedagogical changes involved by ICT integration
  • Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
Several types of proposals may be presented (see below).
All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. All submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process. Successful applicants will be notified by 31 March 2010.

Submissions can also be made for Pre-Conference Events (Seminars and Workshops).

Presentation categories
  • 1. Individual papers
    Each speaker will have 30 minutes speaking time and 10 minutes for discussion (+ 5 minutes to change rooms). Three types of papers may be given: Research: papers focusing on a clearly specified research topic supported by a rationale, including a brief literature review. The thrust may be empirical or theoretical. The methodology should be clearly outlined as well as the actual or potential findings.
    Research and development: papers focusing on the development of applications and programs integrating CALL. The research should be original and may emphasize practice rather than research. They may also concern projects either completed or under development (European, national, local). Reflexive practice: papers dealing with the integration of ICT in the classroom or for distance learning. The reflection could take the form of evaluation or action-research. Proposals should include elements that are of relevance beyond the context of the practice described.
  • 2. Symposia
    Symposia consist of three or four papers on a similar topic, proposed and moderated by a Chairperson. Sessions last for 90 minutes with no changeover during the symposium. Only one proposal is required for these papers. Each abstract should be presented after the abstract of the symposium, which should include an overview of the topic under study, the reason for choosing the papers, and any other information relevant to the theme of the conference.
  • 3. Educational showcase
    This year’s showcase will comprise a 2-hour demonstration of learning software and other products, and will take place at the beginning of the conference in a dedicated room. The showcase may include laptop demonstrations. Exhibitors may also submit proposals for papers based on the material they demonstrate in the exhibition (including data on how it is being used, principles for developing materials, etc).
  • 4. Posters
    Since posters aim to attract attention to a particular project or research domain, they should mainly focus on work in progress. They may, however, report previous or preliminary findings. Posters should be clear, easy to read and attractively laid out. Submissions from advanced students are especially welcome in this category.
For further information please see the Conference Website:

Tidilem 2010

La tâche comme point focal de l’apprentissage
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Clermont-Ferrand, 10 et 11 juin 2010

Organisée par le Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage, la deuxième édition de Tidilem (Tice et Didactique des Langues Etrangères et Maternelles) se tiendra à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (4, rue Ledru, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand).

Nos axes de recherche

Le groupe de recherche IDAL (interactions et dispositifs pour l'apprentissage en ligne) s'intéresse dans une perspective sciences du langage aux interactions entre les acteurs (apprenants et formateurs) de la formation en ligne. Ces interactions ne peuvent être étudiées indépendamment du contexte d'apprentissage. Les dispositifs d'apprentissage en ligne, dans leurs aspects contenus, scénarisation pédagogique, environnements technologiques, normes et standards en e-formation, font donc partie intégrante de notre recherche.
Dans tous les cas langue et langage sont objets prioritaires d'études. Ils s'offrent comme :
  • contenu des interactions où se côtoient les modes oral ou écrit, modes en rapport dans un discours général, dont la structure est objet d'étude, avec des systèmes de signes graphique, iconique, etc. ;
  • ou finalité d'apprentissage en didactique des langues. Notre expertise principale se situant sur ce dernier point (didactique des langues, acquisition des langues secondes, apprentissage des langues assisté par ordinateur) nous privilégions ce domaine d'application, sans pour autant en faire une exclusivité.
Notre recherche a pour but d'élaborer des dispositifs de formation didactiquement innovants et pertinents, de les observer en proposant une méthodologie appropriée, d'élaborer des systèmes d'analyses et des modèles permettant de décrire et comprendre les apprentissages en jeu et, enfin, d’améliorer l'efficacité, non seulement de ces apprentissages, mais aussi des interventions didactiques afférentes, et ce pour des publics variés (formation initiale, formation continue, formation de formateurs).

Archives ouvertes et édition scientifique

Les TIC appliquées à l'édition scientifique (formats et structures de documents, réseau Internet, outils de travail coopératif, etc.) accentuent les tensions entre les différents acteurs de l'édition, tout en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives susceptibles de modifier les procédures et les méthodes de diffusion des recherches et également la place même de la recherche dans la société de l'information. Signalons quelques-uns de ces enjeux :
  • modification de l'organisation des communautés de chercheurs par un meilleur contrôle des procédures de sélection, diffusion, discussions des articles de recherche, ainsi que, et c'est nouveau, des données à partir desquelles ont été construites ces résultats.
  • réduction de l'écart grandissant entre les secteurs de l'édition en STM (Sciences, Technologies et Médecine) et en SHS (Sciences Humaines et Sociales) : développement du passage en ligne des revues scientifiques avec des procédures de relectures harmonisées, des chaînes de traitement adéquates.
  • meilleure visibilité sur le plan international des publications en langue française. Des projets de coopération internationale doivent se mettre en place et les centres de diffusion de l'IST doivent assurer leurs rôles de concentration des publications en langue française de concert avec les éditeurs de revues en ligne.
Bien que ces enjeux concernent toutes les disciplines a priori, nous ne sommes impliqués que dans le cadre des thèmes scientifiques qui nous occupent : c’est à dire les technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'éducation (TICE), voir l'archive EduTICE